Exandas- Gis is the real-time, on-line telematics and vehicle fleet management application. Services are accessible from anywhere using a browser and built with latest generation tools to guarantee maximum functionality and management speed.
For the best performance of the application, Link Technologies provides its services through the Microsoft Incubation Center. With this collaboration, the uninterrupted operation of the service (SLA 99%) is achieved, as well as the easy interconnection and exchange of information with other commercial programs in the market.
The Application provides:
- Vehicle tracking in real time
- Reports on the track and the stops of the vehicle
- Import Clients
- SMS and Email Notifications
- View vehicles in Google Maps.
The application supports additional services that cover all customer needs for fleet management:
- Fuel Management
- Routing
- Managing and Monitoring Vehicle Temperatures
- Access to Corporate Clients
- Connect with a Navigator